Saint Vitus discographie doom metalové legendy

Napsal DekadenteMorfin (») 29. 4. 2010 v kategorii Hudba., přečteno: 1570×

Saint Vitus were thee premiere American doom metal act of the '80s. Along with Trouble, Pentagram and the Obsessed, Vitus were pioneers of true-Doom Metal. They were one of the first to fuse the behemoth riffage and bleak atmosphere of Black Sabbath with the desperate aggression of punk rock ala Black Flag.

Their eponymous 1984 debut was released by Black Flag guitarist Greg Ginn's SST Records, and was followed in quick succession by the Walking Dead EP and Hallow's Victim album the very next year.

Obsessed frontman Scott “WINO” Weinrich (later member of: Spirit Caravan, Place of Skulls, Hidden Hand, and PROBOT!) joined Vitus on vocals in 1986 (and sometimes guitar) for the classic “Born too Late” album. One more release on SST (“Mournful Cries”), and endless touring (earning them a rabid cult following )climaxed with the release of “V” in 1990.

“V” features the classic doom-anthem: “I BLEED BLACK” and the mid-tempo stomp of the often covered: Angry Man. The production is raw, pure and primitive, the dying emodiment of DOOM. Their undeniable influence on metal can be felt in the homage paid by such bands as: Soundgarden, DOWN (lyrics and riffs blatantly lifted), C.O.C., Eyehategod, Crowbar, GRIEF.

After a “Live” album (also re-released via Southern Lord) Wino left Vitus to reform THE OBSESSED. With Wino’s departure Christian Linderson of COUNT RAVEN assumed the vocal mantle as ‘Lord Chritus’ for 1991’s “Children of Doom”. “Lord Christus” stint on vocals was shortlived and eventually VITUS reformed with first singer Scott Reagers for the 1994 ‘Die Healing’ opus. Again this was not meant to be and the band quickly disentagrated.

Things were silent for a few years until...

Last year (2003) the classic Vitus lineup of : Dave Chandler, Wino, Mark Adams, and Armando Acosta reformed for two special shows. The mighty Vitus was resurrected at a gig in Chicago and the “With Full Force” Festival in Germany.

St. Vitus (1984) / SST Records
Hallow's Victim (1985) / SST Records
Born To Late (1986) / SST Records
Mournful Cries (1988) / SST Records
V (1990) / Origially released by:Hellhound
Live (1991) Originally released by: Hellhound
(soon to be re-issued on Southern Lord!)
C.O.D. (1992) / Nuclear Blast
Die Healing (1995) / Hellhound

SAINT VITUS znovu hrají a natačí novou desku ! Old School, funeral doom metal, forever

V současné době je americká, doom metalová kapela Saint Vitus j na turné 2010 a připravuje se nové comebackové album společně s vnikajícím Scottem Wino Wenrichem. Při téhle příležitosti jsem nainstaloval ,historickou discographii kapely co psala dějiny funeral doom metalu.                  Dekadent

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